Technicolor Router Hacker Using Android

How to Hack Android Phone with Androrat – Android Hacking Learn how to hack Android phone remotely with Androrat and take over all the confidential information without even touching it. Smartphones have become an important tech for most of the people as it had taken over the computers and moved all the businesses needs on the go.

When using this tool, the antivirus must be deactivated. CSploit apk is an advanced and complete IT security kit for the Android operating system. It is a kit that lists local hosts, finds vulnerabilities, hacks Wifi passwords, installs backdoors, etc. Technicolor's use of advanced software enables an unlimited spectrum of potential services and applications. The future-proof software of Technicolor’s high-speed wireless and VoIP modems and routers and our smart service gateways allow for intelligent features and services. Android TV: How to reduce. Hack Your Easy First Wifi -Hack WEP: Naive method; Hack Your Easy First Wifi Again - Hack WEP: Faster, smarter and more complicated method (ARP replay) Hack Your Tough Second Wifi - Use reaver: Hack WPA 'with WPS' Hack your first two wifis again - Using Wifite: Wireless hacking automation tool.

If you want to immerse yourself more about how to hack with Android, then Termux is a very good “App” to use an discover. I have been using it for a long time and I still love to see what you can do with it! And that with or without root privileges.

Because the possibilities with Termux are almost unlimited, I would not be able to cover everything in this article, but I will try my level best to provide you a good start.

Termux is a terminal emulator for Android with a Linuxenvironment. A minimal base system is installed automatically and additional packages are available using the apt and dpkg package management, similar to Debian or Ubuntu.

Termux is only available on Android 5.0 or later

Features Termux Application

  • Secure
  • Customizable
  • Ready to Scale Up
  • Programming

Termux has some Extra features

  • Termux API
  • Termux Boot
  • Termux Float
  • Termux Styling
  • Termux Task
  • Termux Widget

Rooting your Mobile Phone

There are so many types of Phones. All have a different way to root them. Also be aware that if you root your phone, you always have to be sure of whatever you do / download.“If you’re not familiar with Android’s tools and how to fix issues with a command line, you probably shouldn’t dive into rooting your phone. Root a phone can be a lot of fun to play around with, but it can also lead to plenty of frustration as you try to fix errors caused by overzealous modding.”Have fun But stay aware of the risks :-D



Open the Termux App in the Google Play Store and click on download. After the Termux App is installed, you first have to do an update and an upgrade exactly like in a normal Linux system.


Technicolor Router Hacker Using Android

In Termux it is recommended to use package manager pkg which is a wrapper for apt. It simplifies installing or upgrading packages by automatically updating apt lists so you don’t have to type apt update when installing or upgrading packages.

For myself, I always use the apt instead of pkg a kind of getting used to it. Here in this article, I would give a good example using pkg, but as you can see on the pictures, I am using on my side apt

For more information about available commands, you can either just run pkg without arguments or using help argument:


If you prefer to use apt over pkg - never run it as root as you will mess up file permissions and SELinux contexts so you won’t be able to use it as a normal user.

As you see above, Termux looks exactly like a Terminal in Linux and you can compare Termux with a minimal Linux Installation where you can install everything yourself and set up the way you like it.

Just like with Linux you can use the help function in Termux

Or install man for the manual pages

List all packages


Termux has completely switched to python3. Python2 no longer has support. But you can still install python 2 scripts. How to install python2 on Termux, I show this below. Pip packages are now automatically installed with python.


Termux has completely switched to python3. This is the command to use.


For some scripts you still need python 2, this is how you install it. It is now not necessary to install pip 2, this is automatically included.


Storage Settings

To grant storage permissions in Android go to Settings > Apps > Termux > Permissions and select storage, then run termux-setup-storage in Termux.

To access shared and external storage you need to run

You will then be prompted to “Allow Termux access photos, media, and files on your device”, which you should allow. Executing termux-setup-storage ensures that permission to shared storage is granted to Termux when running on Android 6.0 or later. That an app-private folder on external storage is created (if external storage exists).


The world’s most used penetration testing framework.

Use the following commands to install the package (only for Android 7 or higher):

If your device running Android OS versions 5.x.x-6.x.x, use these commands instead (unstable-repo is not available for legacy installations):


Installation may take long time since additional Ruby gems will be installed. Do not close Termux sessions until installation finishes to avoid introducing of potential inconsistencies in $PREFIX.


Do not manually upgrade Metasploit installed through the package with editing contents of $PREFIX/opt/metasploit. This will likely break installation and result in dependency problems. Do not report issues if you did this.

To start simply type:

Use Metasploit

Wlan’s Inet is the IP address your connection is currently using. To know your Wlan’s inet open a new session and type ifconfig and copy the inet of the Wlan and paste it into your payload (after LHOST=). Go to your file manager then find your payload name{test.apk} then send it to your victim.

The following step is to run metasploit-framework type this commands

If the target is downloading the payload, you will see the meterpreter session starting. As usual with the “help” function you can see all the available commands.


Ubuntu chroot for Termux. This chroot provides the latest Ubuntu version (19.04 Disco Dingo). But before you use it, you need to install Wget and PRoot to install Ubuntu chroot in Termux.

After you install Wget and PRoot, you can install Ubuntu chroot using this command:



After Ubuntu chroot downloaded, you can run it by executing ./ If you are already inside your $HOME directory, you can run it with this command:

After installing the Ubuntu environment, you have to un-minimize the setup run:

To turn on our Termux with some good pentest tool we will need first to install some primary packages as well, which will be required later.


w3m is a text-based web browser as well as a pager-like more' or less'. With w3m you can browse web pages through a terminal emulator window (xterm, rxvt or something like that). Moreover, w3m can be used as a text formatting tool that typesets HTML into plain text.

To exit press ctrl + z


You will see a moving train which you can control if the setup of Termux is running.


“top” command allows you to see all the running processes. Type –help for more info / Type -q to quite the program.




With this awesome terminal, you can really impress all your friends.

Install Toilet



Warning: There are a lot of “Termux Hacking Tutorials” on the Internet which provide suspicious software meant to be used as hacking tools. Most of them are just clickbait and don’t actually work. Some of them force users to install malware on their devices.

Tools like aircrack-ng or tcpdump can be found in the Termux Root Packages repository. But remember that Aircrack-ng requires wifi monitor mode which is not available in most devices.


Utility for Network Discovery, Security Scanner, Port Scanner, & Network Exploration Tool.



Hydra is one of the best password cracking and brute-forcing tool. It supports different services like telnet, ssh, ftp, etc. More information can be found in the official GitHub repository.


Shodan Eye is a script I made in python. This tool collects all information about all devices that are directly connected to the internet with the specified keywords that you enter. This way you get a complete overview. The types of devices that are indexed can vary enormously: from small desktops, refrigerators to nuclear power plants, and everything in between. You can find everything using “your own” specified keywords.

A collection of search queries for Shodan has attached: “Shodan Dorks … The Internet of Sh*t” The information obtained with this tool can be applied in many areas, a small example: Network security, keep an eye on all devices in your company or at home that is confronted with the internet. Vulnerabilities. And so much more.

Shodan Eye can be installed and use very easy on Termux. This is a very big change, with old versions of Termux you had to make quite a few detours before you could install Shodan Eye. I have tested a lot, and it runs really well on Termux as well..!


You will be asked for a Shodan API key

Here in this article, you can read more about and the use of the Shodan Eye. Also, more info to find about the APK key that is needed. (Free)
Shodan Eye Ethical Hacking Tool Release

Install Dorks Eye on Termux

Dorks Eye can also be used in Termux ..!

Dorks Eye is a script I made in python 3. With this tool, you can easily find Google Dorks. Dork Eye collects potentially vulnerable web pages and applications on the Internet or other awesome info that is picked up by Google’s search bots. You can save the output in a file so that you can view it at a later time. You can determine the number of searches yourself. The number of websites to display
Dorks Eye Google Hacking Dork Scraping and Searching Script

Usage Termux

Video Android Hacking with Termux | Dorks Eye Google Dork Script

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There are a number of GitHub tools available. Please note, if your Android phone is not rooted then some of these tools will not work. In this article, we did not talk about rooting on a mobile phone. Maybe we will come back to this later in another article.


Lazymux tools installer is very easy to use, only provided for lazy Termux users.

Install Toolx

Tool-X is a Kali Linux Tool installer. In the Tool-X there are 250+ hacking tools available for Termux. You can install any tool by a single click. Tool-X is specially made for Termux and GNURoot Debian Terminal. Tool-X is also available for Ubuntu.

Technicolor Router Hacker Using Android Phone




Dear people, I do a lot of things on the Internet and I do it all for free. If I don’t get enough to support myself, it becomes very difficult to maintain my web presence, which takes a lot of time, and the server costs also have to be paid.Your support is greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys ..!

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✓ This Video and Article is made for educational purposes and pentest only.

* You will not misuse the information to gain unauthorized access.

✓ This information shall only be used to expand knowledge and not for causing malicious or damaging attacks…!

Read also the Disclaimer

All the techniques provided in the tutorials on, are meant for educational purposes only.

If you are using any of those techniques for illegal purposes, can’t be held responsible for possible lawful consequences.

My goal is to educate people and increase awareness by exposing methods used by real black-hat hackers and show how to secure systems from these hackers.

Technicolor Router Hacker Using Android


If you have any questions about this article, any feedback, suggestions if you want to share your thoughts, contact me. Please feel free to do so.

Sometimes you are stuck without the internet but you find available WiFi connections nearby. But, you can’t connect to them as you don’t have the password. In such situations, the working WiFi Hackers apps can help you. You can use them to crack the password and connect to any nearby connection temporarily.

If you want to know about some great Android apps to crack WiFi passwords, this post is specially written for you. Here, I will tell you about the 12 best WiFi Hackers Apps for your Android device. You can use these apps to connect to any available WiFi network.


  • 2 10 Best WiFi Hackers Apps for Android

Do WiFi Hackers Apps Really Work?

There are certain situations when hacking a WiFi to crack its password is the only option you’ll have. WiFi hacker apps can aid you in such cases. But, the first question that will pop up in your mind would be- ‘Do they really work?’ To answer it honestly, I’d like to tell you that most of the Android WiFi hacker apps don’t work. The reason for this is that Android lacks the processing power to crack through the WiFi security protocols.

However, some of them work but only for a limited set of devices and under special conditions. The conditions include a rooted device, and sufficient storage, batter, and memory on your device. You have to use the ‘hit & trial’ method to find the right app working for you.

Technicolor router hacker using android

10 Best WiFi Hackers Apps for Android

After thorough research, we have found the right WiFi hacker apps for Android devices. You can use these to crack the password of any nearby WiFi network and connect to it. Remember that these apps may not grant you permanent access to any network. You can only connect on a temporary basis. That would be enough in critical conditions.

Disclaimer: Remember that hacking any WiFi network to crack the password is an illegal offense. We don’t recommend doing so. These apps are presented only for research purposes. You should only use them to check the security of your WiFi network or another WiFi network that you have access to. Don’t use them for your personal benefits.

1. Kali Linux Nethunter

Kali Linux Nethunter is the most effective Android tool to hack any WiFi network. It is the first open-source Android penetration testing platform. To use it, you have to launch the Kali’s WiFi tool and move further with the procedure. It will require a custom kernel that supports 802.11 wireless injections.

The only problem is that Android phones don’t support the required wireless injections. So, a developer will have to develop a custom kernel with the required wireless injections for it to work.

2. WPS Connect

WPS Connect is one of the most popular WiFi hacker apps used to test the security of a WiFi network. This app supports a great number of routers. So, you’ll have a better chance at cracking through. You have to install the app and use it to find the available vulnerabilities in a network.

Technicolor Router Hacker Using Android App

This app aims the networks that more prone to hacking by using the combinations of default PINs. A lot of users don’t change the password of their router and keep using the default one. If you find any such user, this app will help you to connect to his WiFi.

3. WPS WPA Tester

WPS WPA Tester is another widely popular app to hack any WiFi network through your Android device. This app was developed to scan the network to find any vulnerabilities in order to fix them. It tests the connection to Access Points with WPS Pin that is done by using various algorithms such as Zhao, Belkin, TrendNet, and many more.

In order to use this app, you will have to use a device with Android version 5.0 or above. The older versions will not be able to connect to this app and view the WEP-WPA-WPA2. Also, you will need a lot of patience to actually get results.

4. Aircrack-ng

Aircrack-ng is one of the most stable and trusted apps that you can use to crack through any WiFi. It is also available for Ubuntu and is based on Linux kernel. It is designed and developed by great Android developers from the XDA Developers community. You can efficiently use it on Android once you find a WiFi chipset that supports monitor mode.

To use it, you will need a rooted Android device, Computer with Ubuntu or any other Linux distro, USB OTG Adapter, Wireless USB Adapter, and a lot of patience. You can find the necessary tutorials to use this app on YouTube easily.

5. dSploit

dSploit is another great application from the Android developers from XDA Developers community. This app was also developed to find out the vulnerabilities in any WiFi network. This WiFi penetration testing suite is a complete package to analyze and control your network and its information.

It is able to crack WiFi, scan the ports, simple sniffing, and many more advanced operations. To learn how to use it, you should visit YouTube and check the related tutorials.

6. AndroDumpper

AndroDumpper is another great application that scans the available WiFi networks near you and then allows you to connect to them. It works on an algorithm that runs and cracks the password, so you can easily connect to the network.

It works the best with WPS enabled routers. But, you can also try your luck with other routers as well. You will need a rooted Android device to use it.


Nmap is an Android tool that allows us to scan any network to find out vulnerabilities. This app is widely used by ethical Hackers to find the loopholes in any network system. You can use it on both rooted as well as non-rooted Android devices. But, rooted phones will have access to more features.

You will find some of its features similar to dSploit, such as port scanning, simple sniffing, and more. It is a very powerful tool to work with.

8. ZAnti

ZAnti is a complete mobile penetration testing and hacking toolkit for Android. You can use it to find out any vulnerabilities in your WiFi network. It is one of the simplest apps to do so. Many ethical hackers and IT security admins use it to complete their operations.

If you want to find out that if your WiFi network is secure or weak, this tool will help you a lot. It is a highly reliable app.

9. Arpspoof

Arpspoof is another impressive app from the Android developers of the XDA Developers community. This tool was written as a part of the dsniff package. The author has now made it open-source to ensure further development. It works by redirecting the packets on a local network by broadcasting spoofed ARP messages.

It also displays the packets that the owner is sending to the device, but it doesn’t store them. The mechanism it works on is called ‘Faking ARP replies.’

10. WIBR+

WIBR+ is a unique WiFi hacker app that uses Brute Force and Dictionary-based method to help you crack through any WiFi network. You can choose different options depending upon the priority and type of the network. It allows you to perform different dictionary-based attacks to acquire the password.

This tool was developed to test the integrity and security of WiFi networks. The only problem with it is that it takes a lot of time to crack codes. So, you’ll have to stay patient.

Final Take

Hacking WiFi on Android can be tough. These are the best WiFi hacker apps that you can use for that. Make sure you only use them to connect to your own network or a network you have access to. Don’t try using them to connect to a network you are not permitted on. Or else, you may put yourself in serious trouble.

That’s all for this post. I hope you find it helpful. Feel free to share your opinions about it in the comments.